‹M4ufree› Watch Free Twilight

Twilight ‹M4ufree›




cast Sarah Clarke, Kristen Stewart


Runtime 122 Minute

Audience Score 398534 vote

Stephenie Meyer






There could never be a new one they changed way to much go back.

It literally looks like someone turned an Instagram filter on too high. 7:14. is she gonna be that good. Who"s he Clearly the guy who didn"t get the wear white memo. That fighting scene is like my favorite fighting scene. When Charlisle “died” in the last breaking dawn, I actually cried. I feel really connected to him, lmao. This unique style of yours, the way you blend the bass, kick and lead, I love it. Team jacab sucks I am team Edward All the way. 7:12 she should be thanking him he saved her from being killed by the other wolves. OMG I DIDN"T KNOW BOOBOO STEWART PLAYED SETH I THOUGHT IT WAS BOOBOOS BROTHER. And they were RoOmMaTES Oh ma gawd they were roommates. Watching this makes me feel old. Yay Edward and Bella forever. finally somebody chose the right person to be with #teamedward.

0:06 Alice is just there smiling while Bella"s spine is broken in half lmao. 1:40. The group of seven people when I heard this,I suddenly remember its BTS. I miss twilight! also team Edward. When Edward was looking at Bella in class, Im pretty sure he was just hella constipated. Their daughter had to have a death grip while Jacob was fighting??i was like damn. Whos watching it in 2020. ?? hit a like ??. I hadn"t noticed how many weird sounds she makes until now. I cant understand how can anyone forget jacob"s werewolves part of the story though and just remember the vampires... 7:52 DAaAaaaAAAAAaaAaAAamn.